January 11, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

From year to year there are some things we can guarantee: we will start school in August, kids will get a quality education and we will serve Chicken Fried Steak in every school cafeteria on Thursdays. However, there are some things we cannot guarantee will stay the same from year-to-year such as attendance zones, in-district transfers and the price of Chicken Fried Steak on Thursdays. Below you will find answers to our five most frequently asked questions:

Q: I just moved to the district, where will my child(ren) go to school?
A: Attendance zones can be found on the district website at www.emsisd.com under the "Campuses" tab and selecting "Attendance Zones." You can also access our online school zone finder by clicking here.

Q: How do I register my child(ren) for school and what documents do we need?
A: First you would need to determine which campus they are zoned to (refer to above question) and then contact your child’s campus for more information (a list of campus contact information can be found here). Registration requirements can also be found by clicking here.

Q: My child(ren) is zoned to go to one school, but I want them to attend a different school. Does EM-S ISD allow transfers?
A: EM-S ISD does allow in-district transfers based on certain guidelines. Click here to view the current in-district transfer guidelines and for more information on how to submit a transfer request.

Q: Who are the EM-S ISD school board members and how do I contact them?
A: School board meetings are typically held the third Monday of the month and any EM-S ISD stakeholder can attend the meetings and request to speak to the board. To learn more about the school board members, for meeting dates and upcoming meeting agendas, click here.

Q. How do I get a free or reduced meal application for my student?
A. You may pick up an application at any school office, school cafeteria, online on the Child Nutrition website, or you can go to the Child Nutrition office at 1200 Old Decatur Rd. Building 5, and they will process the application while you wait. To return an application you may return them to the school, mail them back to the Child Nutrition office or go in to the office. The Child Nutrition Office also has a night drop box for your after-hour convenience.

If you have a question that is not listed above, a great place to start is with the EM-S ISD Communications Office. We will be able to help assist you and connect you with the right people to get your questions answered.

Communications Department
817-232-0880 x2703

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